Posts filed under “Miscellaneous”

Announcing Enlightened Equine Worshops!

I’m definitely embarrassed that it’s been three years since I last posted anything, but, in my defense, it’s been a very busy time with a lot of exciting changes! Since that last update, we’ve taught several hoof care clinics, done a number of presentations for veterinarians and chiropractic doctors at the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association‘s […]

Opportunities Update!

Without a doubt, COVID-19 has slowed down – or stopped dead in their tracks – many of my typical chances to “spread the word” about proper hoof care these past two years. From cancelled local speaking engagements and university classes to national conferences, it’s definitely been much quieter than usual. But fortunately, the latter part […]

Easy Hoof Boot Measurements…Finally!

Pardon my absence! Before I get into the substance of this Post, let me first say that it’s been a very busy few months here and I sincerely apologize for not updating the website before now. COVID-19 really has impacted us all; in our case, it’s meant the postponement or cancellation of several scheduled clinics […]

Headin’ West…

There’s no doubt COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives, and Liberated Horsemanship has certainly been no exception. So when we started planning for our annual U.S. and U.K. Gateway Clinics for 2021, it became apparent we were going to have to make some changes — particularly in venues. Enter the White Stallion Ranch. This […]

An Interview with Dora Hebrock

For several years now, I’ve wanted to give my Austrian-born wife Dora the opportunity to answer some questions about her work as a licensed Straightness Training Instructor and certified natural hoof care professional, and her thoughts about the relationship between the two. Not, mind you, because she’s my wife, but because I daily witness the […]

Calories 101 – Part 3: The Brown, Brown Grass of Home

Now that we’ve examined the caloric impacts of forage and processed feeds on the horse’s diet in Part 1 and Part 2, respectively, let’s take a look at what happens when grass pasture is added to the mix. According to Dairy One‘s data, “pure” grass pasture has a Digestible Energy of 911 calories per pound […]

An Interview with…Me!

Well, I guess turnabout’s fair play, so when Dr. Bruce Nock said he’d like to turn the tables and interview me, I could hardly refuse! The only thing Bruce has mentioned so far is that he wants to question me about what hooves can reveal about not only the feet themselves, but about the rest […]

An Interview with The Animal Behaviorist

I readily admit it: although I arguably have a large and diverse set of skills, I’m certainly no animal behaviorist. But as I’ve told students for many, many years, the smart person is not the one who knows everything about a particular subject, but rather is the one who knows where to find the right […]

Calories 101 – Part 2: How Much Should I Feed?

UPDATE: I happened across some new information on approximating current and ideal (target) body weight based on research done at the University of Minnesota. Because they use different formulae for different body types, their method appears to yield more precise approximations than previous methods, so my advice would now be to use their method to […]

Calories 101 – Part 1: How Many are Too Many?

Thanks to COVID-19, most of us probably aren’t spending much time in restaurants these days. But many of our horses, on the other hand, may nevertheless be spending more time eating higher-calorie food than they should be! Yes, I realize I’m not an equine nutritionist, and I don’t pretend to be one. But I have […]