Posts tagged “Steve Hebrock”
The Myth of the Heel-First Landing – Part 1
Yes, I know it’s been far too long since I’ve posted an article, but life seems to have a way of interfering with my writing! The good news is that I now have several articles well under way, and so will try hard to keep the gaps shorter. I had to laugh when I saw […]
The Good Client
There’s a company called Farriers’ Greeting Cards that sells all manner of practical paper products – business cards, billing forms, greeting cards, etc. – for hoof care professionals. They also have a number of less practical ones featuring “things not to say to a hot, tired farrier” sayings that no doubt everyone in the hoof […]
Tribute to an Unsung Hero
For me, this has definitely been a record year for losses of loved ones, which, of course, all of us go through at various times in our lives. Most recently, I received word that less than a week after I last saw him, my very dear long-time friend Gerald Bremseth unexpectedly passed away. And so […]
Keeping Your (Horses) Cool – Part 1
I realize this may seem to some like a radical departure from my usual articles about hoof care, but since the subtitle of the site is, after all, “Better Horse Management through Science,” I thought it appropriate to weigh in on a common situation I see in barns every summer. And that’s the one where […]
It’s a constant struggle. The other night I gave a 2-year-old mustang born in a BLM holding facility his first real trim. I say “real” because he surely must’ve been trimmed at least once or twice in the holding facility, but almost certainly either in a squeeze chute, tranquilized, or both. As you can see, […]
Because Breaking Up is (Apparently) Hard to Do
This youngster looks really upset, doesn’t he? But his contentment with me is only part of the hoof-care story, which brings me to the subject of this post: the following email I received from a brand-new client the other day – Steve, I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for the work […]
Just for Fun…
A few weeks ago, I was lamenting to a friend about the decided lack of representations of the shoeless horse in the horse world. I mean, every piece of jewelry, sign, and T-shirt uses the horseshoe as a symbol of the horse. But for those of us who don’t believe horseshoes are in the best […]
How Do You Know?
Hello Steve, Hope you can help me out. I own a thoroughbred racehorse, and want to know that he is being properly shod. I read parts 1,2 and 3 of Hoof Angles, but I’m still not sure how I should proceed to make sure my horse is properly shod. Do I need to measure before […]
It’s Here!
Last December I told you I had some big news to share with you, and the time has finally arrived. But first, a little background information… As you may have read elsewhere on this site, I have a particular interest in helping horse owners understand, and hopefully prevent, equine laminitis. The most common form of […]
It’s Clinic Time (Again)!
First and foremost, I want to remind everyone, particularly my European readers, that the registration deadline for the Insights from World Leaders in Hoof and Horse Care conference and natural hoof care training workshop is upon us. I would encourage every horse owner to consider joining us next month in Barcelona, Spain for this important […]