Progress!? Update

An email update from the client with the undiagnosed hoof infection –
Yesterday I got to ride my (horse type deleted) on a really nice trail ride on some neighboring farms and he was wonderful!!!  I can not thank you enough!  He has been consistently sound now for longer than ever since I got him 1 yr ago.  I can see his hooves changing and that is exciting to see.  I can also see how he is carrying his weight differently on his feet which is also wonderful!  I had thought the under run heels and long toes were not correctable since I had talked with my farrier about that since day one and thought he was working toward a change.  It is such a relief to see him be comfortable and sound.  And to top it off he is such a nice trail horse!!  What a shame if he would of been written off as unsound and un-ridable!
Enough said!